Kantanka Dam?…What do you think GH?. First and foremost, I will thank the most high God for the gift of such a noble man for the motherland Ghana. I know and believe that he is God sent, I pray that all he has started will be blessed abundantly. I was so excited when I learnt MUSIGA was giving a brand new car which I believe was donated by the Kantanka company to gospel artist of the year. Bravo!…Now what is next?…I know we as Ghanaian’s, don’t like to support our own, but if we can visualise the future of our country Ghana through the great work of Mr Kantanka this is the time we need to support his work. Let us show interest and encourage him. Made in Ghana goods are 1000% better than most of the imported products. This will also bring employment to our youth. When it comes to our nation, we should put any unnecessary thing aside and lend helping hands. We always blame the government for not showing interest to support his work, we all make the government I beleive with our electricity issue, if giving proper support he can be the main man to fix it!…. God bless our homeland Ghana!… Kwesi Kontoh. Accra, Ghana